When college admissions officers look at your student’s application, they attempt to construct an overall assessment of their preparedness for continued education based on accumulative grades, extra-curriculars, teacher recommendations, personal essays, and standardized test scores. Long term components like GPA and involvement in clubs can be hard to make significant strides on late in your student’s high school career — while it is still feasible to improve performance on tests like the ACT with thorough preparation. At Prepped and Polished we offer Wellesley students from Pond Road to Cedar Street the professional edge they need to achieve their optimum ACT score. Our years of experience serving the area with our elite team of local Wellesley ACT prep tutors make us the premier choice for standardized test preparation.

Wellesley ACT tutoring

Navigating the ACT Maze

Because most students only take standardized tests a few times in their entire high-school career, it can feel like a foreign experience. ACT’s strict time limits, complex scoring, and long-winded instructions can often intimidate students– regardless of their academic standing. Simply knowing how to take the test can make the difference between a mediocre score and a strong score that will stand out in the college admissions office. Our Wellesley ACT prep tutors can build your student’s confidence and also boost their performance by reviewing each section of the exam and providing first-hand experience through simulated exams.

Navigating the ACT Maze

Because most students only take standardized tests a few times in their entire high-school career, it can feel like a foreign experience. ACT’s strict time limits, complex scoring, and long-winded instructions can often intimidate students– regardless of their academic standing. Simply knowing how to take the test can make the difference between a mediocre score and a strong score that will stand out in the college admissions office. Our Wellesley ACT prep tutors can build your student’s confidence and also boost their performance by reviewing each section of the exam and providing first-hand experience through simulated exams.

Personalized Strategies and Expert Guidance from Our Accomplished Wellesley Tutors

Our process begins with an evaluation of your baseline ACT score through practice tests. From there we can begin to create a plan of action for your student from now to the day of their test. Our team of Wellesley ACT prep tutors has years of experience as well as accolades in academics. Many of our tutors have masters as well as doctorate degrees. In addition to the rigorous curriculum specific to ACT preparation, our team also offers personalized tips for test taking day. Recommendations of what to eat as well as avoid, how to schedule sleep, planning your route to the test and more allow your student to take the ACT with confidence and achieve their best score. Call us today at (781) 753 9951 or send us a message on our contact page.

Give your child a professional advantage. Schedule a session with our Wellesley ACT prep tutors today. Call us at +1.781.753.9951 or send us a message.

About Team PreppedSM

At Prepped and Polished, we take a team approach to tutoring.

Our Tutors

All our tutors at Prepped & Polished are Prepped and TrainedSM certified, which creates a tutor who is knowledgeable, trustworthy, reliable, relatable, motivational, and communicates to both the student and the parents.


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