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Welcome to the Prepped and Polished blog! Here we discuss tutoring styles, best studying techniques, test preparation skills challenges and much more. We invite you to take advantage of these valuable insights from our team of educational professionals by applying them to your upcoming test, study routine, and other academic endeavors. You’ll find essential writing tips in blog posts like “When to Use ‘in’ and ‘into’” and math tips in “How to Crush Math Questions Involving Radians on the New SAT”. There are also posts that explore vital test prep. strategies like in “Three Strategies for the ACT English Section” or ones that breakdown the “Ten Best Private Schools in the World.” Our helpful and thought provoking content also includes “Applying the Michael Phelps Philosophy to SSAT Analogies” and “An Actual Thank You Note’s Worth a Thousand Thank You’s”. Take a moment to browse our extensive archive. For your convenience, many of the posts are available both in text and digital video format. Schedule a session with our Prepped and Polished tutoring team today. Call us at +1.781.753.9951 or send us a message.