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Tips for SAT Essay

Alexis Avila Founder/President of Prepped & Polished reacts to the November 5, 2010 Good Morning America report about SAT essay length and score increase, and offers tips for SAT essay. recently featured me in their SAT essay article, which talked about the Good Morning America Report of a 14-year-old high school student, Milo Beckman, who researched the alleged correlation between longer SAT essays and higher SAT essay scores.

Now, while SAT essay graders will certainly appreciate you filling up both allotted pages of your SAT essay, they won’t hesitate to give you a bad mark if they don’t see any substance in your SAT essay.

To go a step further, SAT essay structure is another essential component for an SAT essay grader. For example, it’s really important to have a strong opening introductory paragraph because SAT essay graders are reading hundreds of essays. So they get bored after the hundred and first. You got to grab their attention right away.

So overall, sure, it’s important to have a pretty long SAT essay, about two pages, but also have a well-structured essay and have a lot of substance in your essay, and I guarantee you’ll have a good SAT essay score.

Good luck, and I’ll talk to you soon.

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