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On episode 62 of The Prepped & Polished Podcast Alexis Avila talks to Rebecca Manley, Founder of The Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association (MEDA).

Our Guest:

Rebecca Manley is the founder of The Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association (MEDA). MEDA is an eating disorders non-profit organization in New England that provides education about eating disorders and their underlying causes to develop a compassionate community that promotes hopefulness and supports healing. MEDA offers a variety of services to support individuals and families through the various stages of their journey.

The original name for the organization was actually the Massachusetts Eating Disorders Association. However, in 1999 they changed their name for more of a national presence with the internet.

Rebecca’s published curriculum entitled, “Teaching Body Confidence” has been featured on the televised news programs World News Tonight on ABC News, 48 Hours news on CBS as well as many other national and local stations. On today’s episode, Rebecca talks about the struggles students with eating disorders face. She also discusses some strategies to help overcome these disorders.

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