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Aaron of Prepped and Polished teaches you how to create and use an SAT and ACT formula sheet.

When dealing with both the ACT and SAT math sections, specifically for the SAT with both the no calculator and calculator sections, it’s important to know how to create a math formula review sheet.

There are a couple of things to consider depending on if you’re going with the ACT or the SAT. For both of them, you definitely want to know the content areas of the test. The ACT typically has more content as tested on it than the SAT.

When you’re considering both formulas you know and ones that you don’t know, you want to add both to your list. Especially ones that you say you know it’s a good way to practice and review different ways that those questions may be asked.

When you’re creating your formula sheet, it’s good for you to have a separate sheet of paper with practice problems that you’ve realized through your study that you need help understanding.

What was your biggest takeaway from this podcast about How to Create and Use an SAT and ACT Formula Sheet? Do you have any questions for Aaron and Alexis Avila?

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