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Aaron of Prepped and Polished gives you tips on how to improve a low score on the SAT or ACT.

Tips to Improve a Low Score on the SAT or ACT

1. Set goals

It’s important to keep this in mind: what is a realistic goal for you to get your score to increase versus an unrealistic goal? When you’re trying to improve a score, it’s really important that you keep in mind that you have to have goals that work for where you’re currently at in terms of your score.

2. Consider your timeline

Another tip to consider is the timeline that you have and what your schedule looks like. If you do have not that much time before a test, we can only look at improving the score a bit versus if you have months to prepare for the test; you might be able to get a higher increase with continued practice

3. Discipline and homework

If you have a goal in mind, you have to put work into that goal. If you want to get this score, you need to work on motivations as to why you want to get this score. Think about what makes it most likely that I can attain that goal.

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